Quick Exit

Hi, I’m Renée!

I teach trans people to love their voice

I'm queer, nonbinary, disabled, and I love my life! ✨

Here are a few things I'm immensely proud of 

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I've taught hundreds of trans students, teachers and SLPs over my 17-year teaching career!

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I have four full-length albums out! (My fav songs are below)

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I have bachelor's degrees in physics and jazz, and a master's in songwriting

self-propelled wheelchair emoji

I am a former communications officer for the DisAbled Women's Network of Canada

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I created a scholarship program for trans and/or disabled singers called the Right to Sing Award

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I won the Salsinger-Tani Gold Medal for Excellence in Music Performance from McGill University

My story✨

I'm a queer, nonbinary, disabled gender-affirming voice teacher with a passion for voice education, getting creative, and exploring all the cool things our voices can do. For over 17 years, I've been teaching folks how to fall in love with their voices.

Voice has always been my way of contributing something good to the world. I’ve spent many years studying voice and have multiple degrees in singing and songwriting. I'm also a musician, so I've always used my voice as part of my expression.

Another big part of my expression has been an exploration of my own body and gender. Dealing with chronic pain and being disabled meant I've had to be pretty creative in finding ways to feel comfortable in my body. And as a trans nonbinary person, I've been on this personal adventure to figure out a gender expression that feels like home to me.

As a trained voice teacher and as a trans person who has done the work to create a voice I love, I realized I have something valuable to share with my trans and queer community. It's not just about the techniques for voice modification; it's a blueprint for how to fall in love with yourself through aligning with your expression.

What is a trans voice teacher

and how is that different from a speech-language pathologist?

Many people believe that trans voice alteration can only be taught by medical professionals and within the medical model. However, de-medicalizing this aspect of gender-affirming care can be really helpful.

The medical model is generally built to treat people like “patients with disorders.” But you are not a problem to be solved! Your voice journey should be a gentle exploration of what feels good to you.

That being said, I do have a vast amount of experience and technical education!

My wealth of knowledge and unique insights will teach you skills in a clear and simple way that will get results, keep you safe, and help you have FUN on your voice journey!

  • B.Mus. in Jazz Voice
  • M.A. in Songwriting
  • Somatic Voicework™️ Levels 1, 2, and 3
  • A voice teacher since 2008
  • Worked for the Disabled Women’s Network of Canada with a background in disability justice
  • Has taught gender-affirming voice training to Speech-Language Pathologists at the Université de Montreal
  • Has taught hundreds of students and teachers through gender-affirming online courses and workshops.


My top priorities are...

‣ Trans and Nonbinary Joy

‣ Accessibility

‣ Centring BIPOC Experiences

I believe I do my best work when these three priorities are at the top of my mind. I strive to centre those at the margins in everything I create. If you find this upsetting, then you may be in the wrong place! (Although I strongly suggest you read Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh!)

I am always open to hearing new ways that I can support marginalized communities in my work. Please contact me if you have any suggestions or requests.

(Photo by Chona Kasinger for Disabled and Here)

Three black people holding trans and gay flags. One has pink hair and a cane, one has a pink powerchair.

I help trans and nonbinary people (like me!) find their voice 

💖 I know you hate being put into boxes and expected to conform to cis standards of gender presentation.

💖  You're sick of being misgendered on the phone.

💖  You want to include your voice in your transition but you've struggled to find clear guidance.

💖  You've tried practicing on your own but you've reached a plateau and don't know where to go from here.

Gender Reveal Podcast

Explore topics of trans voice alteration on Tuck Woodstock's acclaimed podcast!

Listen Now

Fifty Shades of Gender

Renée speaks with host Esther Lemmens about the fluidity of gender and identifying as who you are right now.

Listen Now

Gender Stories

Renée speaks with host Alex Lantaffi about the role that voice plays in our gender expression - and much more!


Watch Now

 Want to hear more free talks, or hire me for an interview? Head HERE!

You already have what you need to love your voice

Even if you've been struggling for years. Even if you've been told that you're not good enough. I believe that with enough patience and clear guidance, anyone can transform their voice.

I take complex vocal ideas and explain them simply and clearly. Watch the compilation below to get a sense of my teaching style.


“Renée is so kind and fun to work with! They have a wonderful energy and try and make everyone feel included and comfortable.” 


"Renée is a really engaging and entertaining teacher. I'm just at the beginning of my journey and I feel like this course gave me the tools I need to push myself in the right direction!"


"I really enjoyed Renee's very supportive enthusiasm along with a very structured course. I feel they explore the topic very thoroughly and it was helpful."

How can I help you?

Trans Voice Basics

A mini-course introduction to trans voice alteration. If you're brand new on your trans voice journey, or you just want to dip your toe in, this mini-course is perfect for you!

Only $27 USD

Free Trans Guide to Vocal Anatomy

Get your free, full-colour, hand-illustrated trans guide to vocal anatomy that will demystify your voice.


Trans Voice eCourses

You already have what you need to love your voice! I have courses in voice feminization, masculinization, and everything beyond the binary!

Learn more

Want to learn more about me??


I'm a Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Capricorn rising (yes, a double cap lol)

 I live in Montreal, Quebec (I'm fluent in French!)

I have had chronic pain since 2010

I love driving. And math. #NotAllGays

My next album is completely written! I’m just waiting for the vibes to be right…

My favourite songs

(of mine lol)