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A Day in the Life of a Gender-Affirming Voice Teacher

life Oct 14, 2024
a day in my life

Hi, I’m Renée, a gender-affirming voice teacher, and I’d love to share what a typical day looks like for me! I have a pretty structured routine that keeps me focused, productive, and happy, even though some might say it’s a bit intense. Here’s a glimpse into how I spend my day.

Early Morning: Journaling and My First Work Block

My day starts bright and early at 5:30am. One of my favourite rituals is to begin with journaling, where I write a couple of pages to clear my mind and set my intentions for the day.

By 6:30am, I start my first work block. I organize my day into four 90-minute work blocks, each broken down into three 25-minute Pomodoro intervals. It may seem intense, but I thrive on this kind of structure!

In this first block, I worked on creating a companion workbook for my course, Masculinize Your Voice Without Testosterone, which I’m running live in just a few days. I want to make sure my students feel supported and have all the resources they need. In between intervals, I take a moment to make tea, stretch, and give my eyes a break by gazing outside—self-care in small bursts!

Meditation and Morning Run

At 8am, I meditate for 20 minutes. Meditation helps me stay grounded and focused for the rest of the day. Afterward, it’s time for a run. Today’s weather was perfect, and I covered 4.8 kilometers at an 8’30” pace. It’s a slower pace for some, but for me, it’s an achievement!

Mid-Morning: Physio, Breakfast, and More Work

Post-run, I do a little knee physio while I eat breakfast. Then it’s time to shower, get dressed, and dive into my second work block at 10am. I continued working on the PDF workbook for my course, which I’m really excited to share with my students. I even squeezed in a little dancing during my breaks—nothing like a dance party to keep the energy up!

Lunchtime and Afternoon: Meetings and Naps

Around 11:30am, I prep lunch by throwing a homemade freezer burrito into the air fryer (always a winner!) and get some chicken cooking in the crockpot for dinner later. After lunch, it’s time for work block three, which started at noon. Today, I had a meeting with Jodi, who helps me with SEO marketing and keeping my workload organized.

By 1:30pm, I’m ready for a nap! Though I don’t always fall asleep, I listen to a yoga nidra meditation to relax. Even without sleep, this is a crucial part of my day for recharging.

Final Work Block and Evening Wind Down

At 2pm, I’m ready for my last work block of the day. This is when I finished up the companion workbook and sent it off to my students! I can’t wait for them to see it and hope they find it helpful.

After work, I spent some quiet time reading in my nook. Right now, I’m diving into content on online course design, which I find fascinating and helpful for improving my own courses. Dinner followed, and I ended the day with some relaxing TV before heading to bed around 9:30pm. Early for some, but it’s the perfect time for me to wind down.

Reflecting on My Routine

Some people describe my routine as “punishing” or “intense,” but it keeps me happy and balanced. I’d love to hear your thoughts—what does your day look like, and how do you structure your time? Let me know!

Hi, I'm Renée! (they/them)

I'm a queer, nonbinary, and disabled singer, songwriter and gender-affirming voice teacher. 

I've been a voice teacher for over twelve years, I have four full-length albums out, and I have degrees in physics, jazz, and songwriting.

I love creating, I love figuring things out, but most of all, I love helping people.

Learn more about me

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