Renée's Blog
Trans voice exercises and resources to help you reach your goals!
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It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since I released the course that totally changed my life and career, Trans Vocal Exploration. That course launched on September 1st, 2021. Since then, I have created quite a few other offers both free and paid, so I thought it would be good to cre...
I think it's a little taboo to talk about grief and hormone replacement therapy in the trans community. We're already fighting for our lives and working hard every day to gain acceptance, it feels like a major transgression to imply that there might be doubts along the path of medical transition....
A few months ago, I was extremely honoured to be asked to write an opinion piece for CBC Montreal. I'm always excited for any opportunity to talk about the voice and my work, and so of course, I jumped on it. Cut to last week, and the article finally came out! It was given the headline "Everyone...
I really feel like we stepped up our TikTok game this month. I tried hard to create deeply informative videos that addressed a wide variety of common concerns. If you missed them on TikTok, check out this compilation. this also marks one full year of TikToks! Can you believe it?!? Below you'll f...
On TikTok, edsheeransbuttisjuicy asked "What are some exercises I can do throughout the day every day to feminize my voice?" Of course, the answer to this question varies from person to person, as each person's definition of a "feminine voice" is unique to them. However, in my experience, most...
I asked my friend Dibs from Dibs Fitness to share three easy posture exercises for voice masculinization. But what do posture and voice have to do with each other?? A lot, actually, but today let’s focus on the pharynx. the pharynx is a tube of muscle just above your larynx, at the back of your ...
You will never believe what I have to tell you about the following two audio clips in the video above. Take a look! These are two clips that a student in my online course, Trans Vocal Exploration, shared with me. Sounds like a before and after, right? Here’s the thing - these clips were recorded...
I've been away for the past month, but my little elves behind the scenes have been busy creating and uploading trans voice TikToks to tide you over until I return. Below you'll find time-stamps for this month's TikToks. Enjoy! 00:00 – It’s time to Practice! Mad Gab01:21 – Vocal Anatomy: The Lary...
Hello trans voice explorers! 🧭 In case you missed some of my videos and blog posts this month, I've created a handy compilation of all of my TikToks from March 2022. Below are timestamps for each video in case you want to see a specific one. Enjoy! 00:00 – It’s time to Practice! Scattergories02...
Since May of 2021, when my first TikTok went viral, I have been working my little behind off to create as much trans voice content as I possibly can. Now that spring is in the air, I can feel springtime wanderlust creeping up. I'm distracted, I'm not motivated to make content, and I very clearly ...
© 2021-2025 Renée Yoxon