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Trans voice exercises and resources to help you reach your goals!

My top four (or five) tips for succeeding in your trans voice practice

motivation nonbinary voice trans vocal exploration ecourse voice feminization voice masculinization Sep 07, 2021
My top four (or five) tips for succeeding in your trans voice practice


It's been one week since I launched my e-course, Trans Vocal Exploration: Feminization, Masculinization, and Voice Beyond the Binary.

If you're thinking of registering or you're on your own trans voice journey, I thought I would share my top four secrets to succeed in a trans voice practice. These tips come from my 10+ years of experience as a private voice coach.

Here we go!

Tip #1: Schedule Your Practice
Most people say to themselves, "I'm going to practice every day" but then have trouble following through on that because they haven't adequately envisioned how practice will fit into their life. Scheduling 15 minutes in your calendar for watching the course material or practicing on your own will dramatically increase your likelihood of success.

Tip #2: Keep a Practice Log
A practice log is a good tool for so many reasons! It can keep you motivated as you watch the pages fill up because it helps you visualize how much work you've done and progress you've made, it can help you get back on track faster if you take a break from practicing, it can keep track of new information you collect along the way, and it can help you catch any negative mindset shifts that may impede your practice. I recommend using Notion to track practice because you can upload audio and video clips of yourself for comparison purposes later on down the line.

Tip #3: Find Accountability Buddies
The more people you have in your life cheering you on, inspiring you, and motivating you, the better. If you're able to tell your close friends and family about your practice, that can really help diminish the anxiety associated with using your target voice around them. It also really helps to have a friend who is going through this practice along with you. When you register for my e-course, you'll gain access to our private peer-to-peer Discord server where there are lots of really nice people looking for an accountability buddy just like you. (If you're new to Discord, I was too and it's not as scary as you think!)

Tip #4: Just Start!
It can be tempting to wait until the time is right, until your life is perfect, until you get or quit that job, until you move out. But really, those are stalling tactics motivated by fear. The best time to start is right now, where you're at. If all you do is watch one course video, or practice five minutes, that's great! That's a positive step towards your goal.

I hope these tips motivate and inspire you! Just remember that every step towards your goal, no matter how small, is a win - so even five minutes of practice is better than no practice at all. I guess it's five tips after all!


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Hi, I'm Renée! (they/them)

I'm a queer, nonbinary, and disabled singer, songwriter and gender-affirming voice teacher. 

I've been a voice teacher for over twelve years, I have four full-length albums out, and I have degrees in physics, jazz, and songwriting.

I love creating, I love figuring things out, but most of all, I love helping people.

Learn more about me

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I know you're here because you're striving to live your most authentic life, yet one major hurdle remains: your voice. Instead of empowering you, it brings dysphoria, misgendering, and discomfort.

So, are you ready to create a voice that resonates deeply and authentically with who you are? Join me for an empowering FREE webinar where you'll learn practical and easy skills that will show you how to create a voice that fills you with confidence and joy—without relying on medical interventions!

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