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Trans voice exercises and resources to help you reach your goals!

The Trans Guide to Vocal Anatomy eBook

nonbinary voice trans vocal exploration ecourse voice feminization voice masculinization Aug 30, 2021
Download the Trans Guide to Vocal Anatomy


Hello Trans Voice Explorers! 🧭

How are we all doing?? I'm excitedly watching the earlybird registrations for Trans Vocal Exploration roll in and I just can't wait for the course to open on Wednesday!!

(If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, click here!)

If you're on the fence about registering and you want to get a little taste for what the course has to offer, I'd like to share with you The Trans Guide to Vocal Anatomy. This is a 20-page ebook that I made as a companion for the Trans Vocal Exploration eCourse.

Members of the course get the guide as part of the Vocal Anatomy module, but now you can download it for FREE!

All you have to do is click here and fill out the form.

Here's a little excerpt from the book:

The simplest way to conceptualize the voice is as any other wind instrument, like a trumpet or a clarinet. Wind instruments have three primary components:

1. The power: The wind from the lungs that powers the instrument.

2. The sound source: The vibrating clarinet reed, or lips in the trumpet mouthpiece, or vocal folds that create the fundamental sound.

3. The filter: The body of the instrument that is manipulated to shape and colour the fundamental sound from the source. In the case of the clarinet, we cover the holes with our fingers to change the shape of the tube. In the case of the trumpet, we push the valves to change the length of tubing. In the case of our voice, we manipulate our throat (pharynx), mouth, lips, and tongue to shape the sound.

When it comes to our voice, our lungs are the power, our larynx houses the source, and our vocal tract (our pharynx, mouth, lips, and tongue) are the filter.

If you liked that, that's only one of the twenty pages included in the ebook. Get it now!

PS: Remember that there's only two more days to grab the earlybird discount before the course opens! You can grab it by using the code EARLYBIRD15 at checkout.


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Hi, I'm Renée! (they/them)

I'm a queer, nonbinary, and disabled singer, songwriter and gender-affirming voice teacher. 

I've been a voice teacher for over twelve years, I have four full-length albums out, and I have degrees in physics, jazz, and songwriting.

I love creating, I love figuring things out, but most of all, I love helping people.

Learn more about me

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I know you're here because you're striving to live your most authentic life, yet one major hurdle remains: your voice. Instead of empowering you, it brings dysphoria, misgendering, and discomfort.

So, are you ready to create a voice that resonates deeply and authentically with who you are? Join me for an empowering FREE webinar where you'll learn practical and easy skills that will show you how to create a voice that fills you with confidence and joy—without relying on medical interventions!

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