Trans Vocal Exploration Live Run starts February 1st!
Jan 30, 2023
Hey friends!
The live run of Trans Vocal Exploration kicks off this Wednesday! If you want to have a week to watch the first module of the course before the first office hour on February 7th, make sure you're signed up before then.
I got a lot of great questions about this live run, so here are some answers:
Q: Does this live run cost anything for people who have previously signed up for Trans Vocal Exploration?
Nope! Whether you've had this course for over a year or you just signed up last week, you can attend the live run of this course at no additional charge!
Q: Will the weekly office hours be recorded?
No! Respecting the privacy of my students is my top priority so I never record any of my group zoom calls.
Q: Can I attend the live run asynchronously?
Unfortunately, no. Because the office hours are not filmed, you must plan to be in attendance if you want to ask me any questions. However, all the course information is pre-recorded so, as always, you can watch the modules at your own pace.
Q: Can I sign up for Trans Vocal Exploration if I'm not interested in the live run?
Definitely! This course is self-paced and designed with the self-directed learner in mind. The live run is a bonus that I'm providing for the months of February and March but you don't need to attend the live calls to get everything you need from the course.
Q: Do I have to participate (turn on my mic and camera) if I join the live calls? I'd rather be a lurker!
Lurk away, my friend! I've had a lot of people tell me they want to come to the call but they're too shy and don't want to feel weird. I invite you to come to the call with your mic and camera off. You are welcome to communicate with me using only the chat, or change your name to "watching only" and I won't call on you at all!
If you still have questions, head on over to my contact page and drop us a line! We'll get back to you as quickly as we can.
If you're ready to sign up for the course, click the link below!
Sign up for Trans Vocal Exploration now!
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