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Use the mixing board to describe your trans voice!

mix & match: designing your nonbinary voice nonbinary voice pitch resonance sentence contour vocal weight voice feminization voice masculinization Jun 24, 2024
Renée in front of the mixing board

So you know you have voice dysphoria, but you’re struggling to describe in specific terms what you don’t like about your own voice and what you do like about the voices of others. I’ve got a tool for you!

Last month, I released a new course called Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice.

For this course, I created a tool to help my students visualize and pinpoint their starting voice, as well as characterize voices they admire to help them bridge the gap between their current place and their destination.

But it occurred to me the other day that this tool could be really useful for any trans person interested in modifying their voice, not just nonbinary people.

So today, I’ve added the mixing board to my freebies library.

You can already go ahead and download it now!

The mixing board contains five vocal characteristics - pitch, resonance, vocal weight, sentence contour, and volume - with a slider on each one. So for example, if you wanted to visualize a low pitch, you would move the pitch slider lower.

Now, this is obviously just a visualization tool. It won’t characterize your voice for you, but it can be a helpful way to get these abstract concepts out of your head and onto the page.

If you want a LOT more detail about how to use this tool, you can check out Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice, and I hope this helps!

Hi, I'm Renée! (they/them)

I'm a queer, nonbinary, and disabled singer, songwriter and gender-affirming voice teacher. 

I've been a voice teacher for over twelve years, I have four full-length albums out, and I have degrees in physics, jazz, and songwriting.

I love creating, I love figuring things out, but most of all, I love helping people.

Learn more about me

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