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What is Resonance? An Excerpt from Mix & Match

resonance Jul 03, 2024
What is resonance? bright vs dark

Hello trans voice pals! Today, I decided to do something very special and share an excerpt from my course Mix & Match: Designing Your Nonbinary Voice. This lesson is from Module 4 on Resonance, and I decided to share it because I know that this can be a very confusing topic. What exactly is resonance? How is it different from pitch? This is a bit longer than my usual videos, but I highly recommend that you grab some popcorn and strap in for 15 minutes so that you can understand this concept once and for all. Enjoy!

Hi, I'm Renée! (they/them)

I'm a queer, nonbinary, and disabled singer, songwriter and gender-affirming voice teacher. 

I've been a voice teacher for over twelve years, I have four full-length albums out, and I have degrees in physics, jazz, and songwriting.

I love creating, I love figuring things out, but most of all, I love helping people.

Learn more about me

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