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Renée's Blog

Trans voice exercises and resources to help you reach your goals!

Filter content by tag: voice feminization, voice masculinization, nonbinary voice, exercises, motivation, resonance, pitch, weight, sentence contour

Using your new voice around old friends general trans advice motivation nonbinary voice voice feminization voice masculinization Mar 21, 2022

A question I got on my Discord server was "How do I use my new voice around people who are used to my old voice?"

This is a question I get quite a lot, and I think it stems from the expectations that we feel that our friends and family and people who know us have about interacting with us. And...

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Motivation Monday: Practice Advent Calendar motivation nonbinary voice voice feminization voice masculinization Feb 21, 2022

Hello Trans Voice Explorers!

Every month, I hold an open live office hour with students in my Trans Vocal Exploration e-course in order to discuss their blocks, give them direct feedback, and listen to their feedback about the course.

Last month, we talked a lot about maintaining a regular voice...

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5 self-care questions for your trans voice practice motivation nonbinary voice trans vocal exploration ecourse voice feminization voice masculinization Oct 05, 2021


Last week, I held the first live office hour call with members of my Trans Vocal Exploration e-course. It was such a wonderful experience to see everyone's faces and hear about the things that are coming up for them while they work through this course.

Many of the students...

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My top four (or five) tips for succeeding in your trans voice practice motivation nonbinary voice trans vocal exploration ecourse voice feminization voice masculinization Sep 07, 2021


It's been one week since I launched my e-course, Trans Vocal Exploration: Feminization, Masculinization, and Voice Beyond the Binary.

If you're thinking of registering or you're on your own trans voice journey, I thought I would share my top four secrets to succeed in a...

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How can I help you?

ipad with the cover of the Trans Guide to Vocal Anatomy ebook

Learn How Your Voice Works

This workbook will teach you about the muscles and cartilage that control your voice, which will help you control them better.

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Practice Games For Endurance

This workbook will teach you easy games that will help you maintain your target voice for longer.

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An imac, macbook, ipad, and iphone showing screenshots of the trans vocal exploration e-course

Voice Warm-Up Videos

Follow along with me as I teach you a secret weapon to help you gain control of your voice.

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