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Renée's Blog

Trans voice exercises and resources to help you reach your goals!

Filter content by tag: voice feminization, voice masculinization, nonbinary voice, exercises, motivation, resonance, pitch, weight, sentence contour

Interview with 50 Shades of Gender interviews life Jan 12, 2022

I was delighted to be interviewed by Esther Lemmens on Fifty Shades of Gender. We talked in detail about my experience of gender, including an identity that I don't talk about very often - Maverique!

We also talk about being who you are right now, bridging the trans and cis experience, how...

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Coming out as ten identities?? disability life Oct 11, 2021

Today is National Coming Out Day! I had to share this Keith Haring illustration for the first National Coming Out Day in 1988 because I relate so hard to this little yellow dude just wigglin' their way out of the closet.

I've come out as bisexual, queer, asexual, bi again, as a demigirl,...

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Renée's Recent Reads: A tale and a song life Oct 07, 2021

I never talk about this anywhere online but I am an avid reader! I have the Libby app on my tablet so it's very easy (a little too easy) to take out e-books, audiobooks, and magazines from my public library. I'm also one of those weirdos who loves reading books on my tablet. I like turning out...

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September 23rd is Celebrate Bisexuality Day!! life Sep 23, 2021

Today, September 23rd, is Celebrate Bisexuality Day! This day is but one day in Bisexual Awareness Week which started on September 19th and which I've been celebrating all week on Instagram.

If you don't follow me there, here is my first post of this week:

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New office tour (btw I'm in France!!) life Sep 04, 2021


Hellooo I have some big news! I'm in France! Brittany, to be specific!

I'm here visiting my partner after a very long and terrible 20 months apart. It was always the plan for me to try and get a visa to move here, at least temporarily, but we decided that since we've been apart for...

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The 5 surprising things I learned from launching my first e-course life trans vocal exploration ecourse Sep 02, 2021

Well, folks, we did it! Trans Vocal Exploration is out in the world and available now! It's kind of hard to believe that only four months ago, this course was just an idea I had and now it's a full-fledged trans resource that anyone can access, from anywhere in the world. And there were...

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How can I help you?

ipad with the cover of the Trans Guide to Vocal Anatomy ebook

Learn How Your Voice Works

This workbook will teach you about the muscles and cartilage that control your voice, which will help you control them better.

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Practice Games For Endurance

This workbook will teach you easy games that will help you maintain your target voice for longer.

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An imac, macbook, ipad, and iphone showing screenshots of the trans vocal exploration e-course

Voice Warm-Up Videos

Follow along with me as I teach you a secret weapon to help you gain control of your voice.

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